Community Support
It’s OK not to be OK… It’s not okay to stay that way.
The information provided on this site and in these links are not intend to replace the directives of your doctor, counselor, or therapist. They’re only intended to guide, providing basic information. If you’re experiencing acute symptoms, please contact your doctor, call 911, or go to an emergency room immediately.
May you find peace in the midst of storm.
Potentially Traumatic events…
Traumatic events are marked by a sense of horror, helplessness, serious injury, or the threat of serious injury or death to you or someone else. They may be followed by feelings of anger, fear, grief, agitation, loss, etc.
Potentially Traumatic Events, PTE, are experiences in our lives, either done directly to us or from what we hear or see happen to others; they’re greater than the usual day-to-day stressors. These events can throw us for a loop and our usual, healthy coping mechanisms don’t seem to work, returning us to where we were before the event. This is not uncommon and there are good ways to address what we may be experiencing. On this page are resources from a variety of sources which might aid you in processing and coping with what you or someone close to you experienced.
Please know, these resources do not replace medical assistance or seeking professional consultation, counseling or therapy. These resources are solely intended to provide some assistance in the short term. Should you find you’re not able to return to a state of your “normal” in a reasonable period of time, please seek professional, medical assistance.
FRCC exists to support first responder chaplains and the agencies we serve. We provide this information as a care-courtesy to the community. As we’ve engaged hundreds of civilians during traumatic events, our Chaplains saw a need to provide options for on-going, off-scene care to civilians. These links are merely suggestions for you to explore. We are not responsible for the care you may receive and there are other options available which might suit you better. We do hope you find this information helpful and we pray you are well.